CONNECTOR 2.0 - open call for facilitators

29 Iunie 2015 - 6 Iulie 2015
Loc desfăşurare
România, Cluj Napoca, jud Cluj
ANPCDEFP - Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale
Andrei Popescu,
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
11003 Vizualizări


You can apply as a facilitor for CONNECTOR 2015 by filling in the application form available HERE or embeded below (updated deadline 5th of May).
If you want to apply as a participant, check the dedicated open call available HERE (deadline 20th of May).
More information about the event HERE!


Quick check list...
Do you know and implement a powerful and interactive method or instrument that can be used in learning activities and projects for young people and adults?
Do you master it well enough to learn other people how to use it in a two day worshop about it and to develop with them a performance/ practical activity to be implemented in the same event?
Are you available at the beginning of July to share it to learning practitioners from all over Europe?

If the answer is yes to all questions above... than you are the facilitator we are looking for!


In a nutshell: a space aiming to bring together pracitioneers passioned by learning in a participatory and interactive manner with a focus on practical experience in order to share interactive methods, tools and develop networking activities.  The five days event is based on sharing, learning and experimenting with day 1 focused on sharing , days 2& 3 focused on learning and days 4&5 focused on experimenting what has been learned in the local community. More information about the event HERE.


What is expected from the facilitators and types of learning activities
The facilitators are expected to deliver two days workshops (on the second and third day of the event - July 2nd and 3rd) and support the participants in order to create with the participants a performance that will be shared with local community in the last two days of the event (July 4th and 5th). 

The workshop will focus on delivering a learning method or instrument with the following characteristics:
- it can be applied in a various learning contexts (youth, adults, school, interconnected etc)
- is participatory, creative and interactive
- is based on experiential activities
- contain clear learning objectives
- is innovative
- is transferable in order to be easily replicated by the participants in their communities
- it last two days (each day has foreseen four 90 minutes working sessions)
- will be put in practice in Cluj Napoca community the the following two days.

Examples of such activities can be found in the playlist below (English subtitles)


Participation conditions

The event aims to attract at 30 facilitators proposing participatory learning activities. The selection of the facilitators will be done based on their experience in working with the respective method/tool and characteristics of the activities (as described above).

The costs for travel, meals, accommodation, working rooms and materials will be covered by the Erasmus+ National Agency in Romania. The  transport costs will be reimbursed after the event (within 45 days after receiving the reimbursement request). Original documents will be requested for reimbursement (invoices, proof of payment, boarding cards, etc).

Deadline to submitt the online application form is 5th of May 2015. The application form is available HERE and embeded below.
The results will be announced on the 12th of May 2015.



Adaugat de: Cornel Stinga
29 Iunie 2015 - 6 Iulie 2015
Loc desfăşurare
România, Cluj Napoca, jud Cluj
ANPCDEFP - Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale
Andrei Popescu,
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
11003 Vizualizări
24 Iunie 2025 - 27 Iunie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
10 Februarie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, online
06 Februarie 2025

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24 Iunie 2025 - 27 Iunie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
10 Februarie 2025
Loc desfăşurare
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