CONNECTOR 2.015 - Summer Learning Collection

30 Iunie 2015 - 6 Iulie 2015
Loc desfăşurare
România, Cluj Napoca, jud Cluj
ANPCDEFP - Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale
Andrei Popescu (, Andra Dobre (
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
3374 Vizualizări

Below a short descriptions of the learning methods and tools that will be presented during the workshops in days two and three of CONNECTOR (more info about the event HERE)

Concretization with action methods

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Irina Ştefănescu)

“Action Speaks Louder” or “Show, Don’t Talk About” could be the titles of this method of working with groups and individuals. Clarity, fast and solid understanding, creative possible solutions to our problems, common views and visions, good level of energy and all people involved, this is what we get when we use concretization with action methods. We need a good warm-up, some space, an open mind and spontaneity.

Contemporary dance

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Doina Georgescu)

Developing yourself when working together with colleagues. You will have a better perception of yourself, of the space and of other people. This contemporary dance workshop aims at exploring the body’s diverse possibilities and at becoming conscious of one’s own body.
The participants will begin to solve kinesthetic problems in a profound and personal way and their movements will become more and more diversified. Music will accompany us everywhere – a broad range of musical styles and rhythms will be our inspiration.As a result you will improve your communication skills and your creativity.

Deliveringlife & Living exhibition

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Andra Cordoş and Andrei Tudose)

Deliveringlife will challenge the best part of you! Are you creative, are you playful, do you want to enjoy every second of your life? This is what deliveringlife brings you, a hidden path to your happiness by delivering life to others. How? You will learn to change people’s state of mind. You will plan it and make it happen and might change people’s perception on their lives.
Living Exhibition is an active method which promotes communication between a group that is preoccupied by a specific problem and the members of a community, through creative manifestations in public spaces.
Come and see that the exhibition is built to be informative, educational, but primarily designed to offer an interactive learning experience to all those involved in the process.

Drumming & Ecobatucada

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Adela Cristina Nedelcu and Jean-Baptiste Odobeştianu)

Would you like to enjoy making music by playing percussion instruments like the djembe, darbouka, maracas, ocean drum or rainmaker? Would you like to get more familiar with the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" concept by using ecological musical instruments built by yourself? Would you like to find out how to easily draw the eye on the street when spreading an activist message?
Are you ready to experience a profound energetic musical method of nonformal education that is suitable for all ages and that can be adapted to any idea you want to share with the World (with topics like nondiscrimination - no hate speech, multiculturalism, cooperation, fair play, respect, team building, communication, active listening)?
Give it a try at Drumming + EcoBatucada - MAKE SOME NOISE

EVS4All - Digital tehnology

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Luisa Messina)

The workshop will draw on the experience and expertise of EVS4ALL partners and will present and share tools they have designed or identified and successfully applied in youth work.
Some tools such as the skills assessment tool and youtube tutorials have been designed and used regularly over the past couple of years by the EVS4ALL partners who have created them but have not yet been shared with other organisations; the skills assessment tool has been used as part of pre-employment and employability programmes; the youtube tutorials have been used within mobility programmes such as EVS. Come and enjoy European voluntary service for all!

Forum theatre

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Gabriela Dinu-Teodorescu)

A method for social intervention whereby people are empowered to identify a problem from their community and to present it to others through a Forum Theatre play. The audience is invited to participate in the solving of the problem illustrated in the play and to propose solutions, to take attitude towards what they see on the stage and to change the play’s ending.

Graphic facilitation & Collaborative Mind-Mapping

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Andreea Buzec, Diana-Adela Ioniţă and Adrian Popa)

Do you want to unleash your creativity? You have ideas: we will give you form! Discover the power of visual imagery as a facilitation method and the applications of mind map tool. We'll find out together how to visually sort and organize information, exploring key concepts throughout multiple angles by using symbols. We'll take a careful look on various images, so that the symbols that we choose would be both comprehensive and socially accepted in diverse environments.

Let's get started on building our visual vocabulary and draw words. Don't think about the pretty drawings and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty: we'll understand that it's all about the process and structure and we'll exercise the different roles that colors can have. You will gain key competences and get empowered to use these tools in your own work.!

Improvisation theatre

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Maria del Carmen Torres Nunez and Vlad Dumitrescu)

Improvisation is the process of creating on-the-spot performances, without relying on a script, together with the audience. The skills acquired through improvisation serve not only in the professional field, but also to improve relationships with others. Improvisation will help you to develop spontaneity, imagination, intuition and flexibility, to think positive and to gain confidence.

Practicing improvisation contributes to:
- Stimulating creativity: improvisation techniques and exercises help people to expose themselves even to the most daring ideas.
- Teamwork: improvisation helps the participants to relax, learn to trust, to open up, overcome their fears, to cooperate, to solve problems, to put aside their pride, to work for a common goal ... and have a lot of fun!
- Communication: mastery of body language, awareness, listening, spontaneity, improving communication skills and experience of direct contact.

Inner Leardeship – The coaching approach to learning!

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Dominique Verschuren and Ricardo Querido Marques)

Coaching is based on the approach to self development, on the belief that asking the right questions and helping the coachees reach their own answers (rather than supplying them) leads to a better learning and growth experience since the answer/action they are performing then becomes their own.
This workshop will increase your satisfaction, self-assertion and autonomy. This is a highly transferable tool.

Labyrinth theatre

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Aida Sosic and Bogdan Nechifor)

Sensory Labyrinth Theatre is a unique applied theatre approach used to investigate the interrelation of our senses, our environment, our culture and our inner world; and how this relationship can unfold into a sense of wellbeing.
The emphasis in the workshop is on implicational meaning rather than propositional meaning. You will pass through a set of theatre excercises, which will enable you to change your perspective and express life experiences artistically in the final performance.

Light and Shadow theatre

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Sonia Donca-Bercuci)

Playing with the shadows is one of the first ways to discover the world and ourselves in it. Every kid in the world played with it's shadow. Later in their life, some of them learned physics, some of them learned theatre, some communication, some choreography, some dancing. The shadow methods have a high potential in learning. And combined with the lights (glowing paints and leds), the learning results can be even more relevant and from different topics or fields.

Come and improve your abilities in aesthetic judgement, colour vision, creativity, visualizing and envisioning, initiating a theatre project, planning, managing resources, teamwork, performing - all in a combination of shadow theatre with black light theatre.

Lifeskills Development for Children and Youth

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Adriana Popescu)

The Lifeskills Development (LSD) cycle consist of evaluation the needs of LSD, designing and delivering LSD activities and evaluating the change in the participants compared to the initial needs. You will learn how to apply the method from the first step to last. At the end of the activity, you will have practical skills for designing an activity, such as improving / developing a certain ability (public speaking, decision making, communication, problem solving).

Pantomime as a learning tool

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Narin Matban)

Pantomime can be used to bring together people with different cultural background and it helps them to express themselves more easily. It uses creative exercises to facilitate communication.    In our sessions we will experience together how we can apply this method to our classes, own groups, activities or organizations, to gain productivity, good relations, tolerance and motivation.
Pantomime also aims at helping individuals to realise their potential, increasing the sense of tolerance, self-trust, respect and break the walls of prejudices about different cultures and ideas.
Let’s gather to learn to have a different kind of “voice”!

Personal branding

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Anca Baniţă)

The course has a personal impact as it helps explore yourself, answering some deep questions, may for the first time and also a professional impact. Participants will learn to enhance their careers and to build a brand in the eyes of their publics (clients, colleagues, the industry, managers). Also, for the organizations they are part of, this is a great gain, as they have employees motivated to show their best and to make themselves memorable and truly contributing to the success of the company.
Bring your story into the world!

Socio-educational animation and human rights

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Romina Matei and Bogdan Romanică)

Socio-educational animation is a tool for networking within a group of participants, using social, cultural, and physical activities. The methods used are games, role playing, drawing, images and many more in a structured way putting the active learning process in the spotlight.
You will have two days of discovering yourself and a way to relate with socio-educational animation and human rights. Stand up, speak your rights and join this workshop!


(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Brais Fernandes Álvarez)

A method focused on sharing personal stories, telling and listening to traditional stories, voice and body language, interacting with the audience; creating stories - creative writing techniques, using more senses, following the Story art.
You will learn to tell your story through stories.

Street animation (social circus & juggling)

(CONNECTed to the method through the courtesy of Loredana Helici, Raluca Ilaş and Cosmin Catană)

Juggling is the ability of an individual to create shape and colour patterns by controlling or manipulating one or more objects in the same time. Street animation is appealing to different intelligences: Those with strong visual/spatial intelligence love to visualize juggling patterns. The rhythmic nature of juggling and juggling to music appeals to those with musical ability. Getting up, moving around, and throwing and catching develops kinesthetic intelligence.
The participants will experience through games the power of circus as a tool of cooperation and developing creativity. And not in last place: It will be FUN!


Below you can find also a playlist of the movies shot during 2014 edition!

Adaugat de: Eurodesk Romania
30 Iunie 2015 - 6 Iulie 2015
Loc desfăşurare
România, Cluj Napoca, jud Cluj
ANPCDEFP - Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale
Andrei Popescu (, Andra Dobre (
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
3374 Vizualizări
9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

18 Iulie 2024

Ea va începe de acum să își alcătuiască noua echipă de comisari europeni, ce îi va fi alături pentru următorii 5 ani.

9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

18 Iulie 2024

Ea va începe de acum să își alcătuiască noua echipă de comisari europeni, ce îi va fi alături pentru următorii 5 ani.

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