EVS On-Arrival Training - March 2016

Termen de înscriere
01 . 03 . 2016
20 Martie 2016 - 26 Martie 2016
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Brasov, Predeal, Hotel Eden,strada Neagoe Basarab, nr. 7, cod postal 505300
ANPCDEFP - Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale
Tip eveniment
Eveniment OAT/MTE
3560 Vizualizări

On-arrival Training concerns only the EVS volunteers doing an EVS service in Romania for at least 2 months!

This event is dedicated for the EVS volunteers hosted in Romanian projects arriving till the deadline of this event. For EVS volunteers arriving in the following months new courses will be organized every month.

What is an EVS On-Arrival Training?

The main objective of the on-arrival training is to introduce the volunteers to the host country, preparing them for the service period and the EVS experience. On-arrival training helps the volunteers adapt to cultural and personal challenges. It allows volunteers to get to know each other and to build a network. Volunteers should also receive guidance on conflict prevention and crisis management.

On-arrival training takes place upon arrival in the host country. It also introduces volunteers to their host country and their host environment, and helps them to get to know each other. Duration is on average five days.

EVS training and evaluation cycle (TEC)

On-arrival is just one of the meetings dedicated to EVS volunteers.

One of the key features of EVS is the training and evaluation it provides, guiding young volunteers through a non-formal learning process before, during and after their period of service abroad. The training and evaluation dimension within EVS aims at providing young volunteers with continuous guidance and support throughout their voluntary service period. Such training and evaluation contributes to the education and development of each young person. It also helps resolve conflicts and prevent risks, and it provides a means of assessing the volunteer's EVS experience.

EVS volunteers have the right and obligation to attend the session while the participating organizations must ensure that their volunteers take part in the Training and Evaluation Cycle (TEC), which is considered an integral part of the voluntary service.

How to apply

Please, fill in the form available HERE until 1st March 2016.


Adaugat de: Erasmus Plus
Termen de înscriere
01 . 03 . 2016
20 Martie 2016 - 26 Martie 2016
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Brasov, Predeal, Hotel Eden,strada Neagoe Basarab, nr. 7, cod postal 505300
ANPCDEFP - Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale
Tip eveniment
Eveniment OAT/MTE
3560 Vizualizări
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Loc desfăşurare
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Loc desfăşurare
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