CONNECTOR 2016 - Summer Learning Collection

5 Iulie 2016 - 11 Iulie 2016
Loc desfăşurare
România, București
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
3163 Vizualizări



Below a short descriptions of the learning methods and tools that will be presented during the workshops in days two and three of CONNECTOR (more info about the event HERE)



CODA – Context Oriented Dance

CODA is an approach to dance that brings awareness of movement in the moment of moving. It incorporates Authentic Body and Creative Movement; and Balans  –  an exercise system that seamlessly combines Callanetics, Ballet, Yoga, Pilates and Five Tibetans Rites. CODA incorporates Authentic Body, a gentle creative movement method that brings together dance and performance techniques, discovering and exploring new ways to express ourselves, using our bodies, memories, dreams, and experiences. CODA methodology is used by community and professionals to bring awareness about body, wellbeing and balance.

Drumming & Ecobatucada

Would you like to enjoy making music by playing percussion instruments like the djembe, darboukas, maracas, ocean drums or rainmakers? Would you like to get more familiar with the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" concept by using ecological musical instruments built by yourself? Would you like to find out how to easily draw the eye on the street when spreading an activist message? Are you ready to experience a profound energetic musical method of nonformal education that is suitable for all ages and that can be adapted to any idea you want to share with the World (with topics like non-discrimination – no hate speech, multiculturalism, cooperation, fair play, respect, team building, communication, active listening)? Give it a try at Drumming + EcoBatucada - MAKE SOME NOISE

Elements of Gamification and Creative Thinking

The method is focused on positive motivation and it helps students dealing with formal education in a very informal way. The purpose is to provide you with brilliant tools to engage all participants/students in the given tasks. You will learn simple principles to unlocking creativity and releasing natural, innovative actions in a highly interactive manner, providing time to practice creative skills in a safe and enjoyable environment.
For example: the participants are given a theme like „James Bond” — it has to be catchy. They identify themselves with the figures for example from the film, book, cartoon, etc., by changing their names, creating avatars and using them during the learning process. They do not learn but play a game. Everyone has to deal with the task but the form can be different and they have the opportunity to solve it according to their skills and abilities.

Forum theatre

Forum theatre is a method for social intervention whereby people are empowered to identify a problem from their community and to present it to others through a Forum Theatre play. The audience is invited to participate in the solving of the problem illustrated in the play and to propose solutions, to take attitude towards what they see on the stage and to change the play’s ending.

Glass and sand painting

It’s an art tool that allows people to express what they feel about a concept in images by painting on glass with water colours or on cardboard with sand. You will learn the method first on abstract topics and then you will have to create a “Connector’s gallery” of paintings.
For the performance, you will learn how to teach/help the public to create its own paintings.

Graphic facilitation

Do you want to unleash your creativity? You have ideas: we will give you form! Discover the power of visual imagery as a facilitation method. We'll find out together how to visually sort and organize information, exploring key concepts throughout multiple angles by using symbols. Symbols that we choose would be both comprehensive and socially accepted in diverse environments. Let's get started on building our visual vocabulary and draw words. Don't think about the pretty drawings and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty: we'll understand that it's all about the process and structure and we'll exercise the different roles that colours can have. You will gain competences and get empowered to use these tools in your own work!

Imaginary languages in theatre

MOVING WORDS is an approach that empowers the participant to create a short story, play or performance starting from a single word; it may be a real word, an imaginary one or a foreign language word that has significance and meaning for your story. FAST-FORWARD allows you to develop very fast a coherent story using images, songs, emotions or imagined words. The technique is used in creative writing seminars for a very fast release of the participant’s creativity in order to guide it towards building up an articulate story, play or performance designed for an audience. The participants may choose between different roles: the playwright, the director, the actor, the performer.
Altogether the method motivates learners to learn a new language, empowers them with better social, linguistic and artistic skills, and gives them the comfort of using the language by experimenting cultural behaviours inscribed in imaginary foreign languages.

Labyrinth theatre

Sensory Labyrinth Theatre is a unique applied theatre approach used to investigate the interrelation of our senses, our environment, our culture and our inner world; and how this relationship can unfold into a sense of wellbeing. The emphasis in the workshop is on implicational meaning rather than propositional meaning. You will pass through a set of theatre exercises, which will enable you to change your perspective and express life experiences artistically in the final performance.

Lifeskills Development

The Lifeskills Development cycle consist in evaluate the participants’ needs, followed by designing and delivering activities. In the end there is an evaluation session measuring the change that takes place in the participants compared to their initial needs.
You will learn how to apply the method from the first to the last step. At the end of the activity, you will have practical skills for designing an activity, such as improving/developing certain abilities like public speaking, decision making, communication, problem solving etc.

Living Newspaper

It is an action method, a sociodrama-related approach of helping groups and communities to tell their stories, understand them better and then to change them, if appropriate. We will investigate the system together through action, dialogues, role reversals, doubles, tagging, collective roles etc, we will learn how to have a better understanding of the self and to experiment empathy. We will discover ways in helping a group understand the visible and invisible relationships within, to make them visible and to speak about the unspoken. The participants will leave the event with the technique to transfer this method onwards.

Norm Criticism

It is essentially a method for changing the way we see the world, its diversity and the identities that build up our communities. Norm criticism is both a way of analyzing and understanding norms and power structures as well as a tool for challenging and dismantling norms. Norm criticism can be seen as an alternative to "tolerance based approaches" as it tries to remove the focus from people who break the norm and put it on the norm itself. It helps people to think critically about themselves, other people and society. Practically, you will go through various exercises that make you explore how norms work on a personal, organizational and societal level and then draw conclusions from it, leading to concrete ways in which you can change the way you do your work in your organizations.


Do you want to create authentic human connections? Do you want to become more open and positive participants, increase your efficient communication within a group, and creating a safe space for sharing?
You will go through a connection-building process within the group, following a set of specific steps: from "meeting" each other, to giving compliments, to building things together, sharing struggles, practicing active listening and hugging, offering gifts and helping each other. The last session will be reserved for deciding together which is the most powerful exercises that we could make together with the crowd in order to deliver the performance. Each step will be followed by debriefing for assessing what you went through, why the step was important and how you can use it in other non-formal activities. The method can be used in any training that requires the participants to bond with each other on a deeper level, as well as in any context that aims at improving interpersonal and communication skills.

Nonviolent communication

You will experiment 3 learning methods. The first one is “Peer Mediation”, used as a tool and capacity to deal with conflicts constructively, either in youth organizations or school settings and to promote peer engagement in proactively solving problems/conflicts that may occur. The second one is “Dialogue” as a method and art of connecting and exploring difficult issues. Similar to mediation, but with a focus more on the process of dialogue, knowing the context, communication and feedback, the art of asking questions and the art of listening and finally the art of identifying shared paths together. The third one is “Challenge” as a learning tool. A learning challenge is a process designed with a specific capacity framework in mind and which takes the learners through a highly participatory and interactive journey.

Origami Theatre

You will learn how to empower beneficiaries (children, young people, adults) using paper figures designed in the form of moving shadows, to discover new ways of self-expression, which can strengthen their self-confidence. By the end of the workshop you will learn how to help them find their right place in their community and how to develop themselves in harmony with the self and with the society.

Pantomime as a learning tool

Pantomime can be used to bring together people with different cultural background and helping them to express themselves more easily. It uses creative exercises to facilitate communication. In our sessions we will experience together how this method can be applied in our classes, in groups, activities or organizations, to gain productivity, improving relations, gaining tolerance and motivation. Pantomime also aims at helping individuals to realize their potential, increasing the sense of tolerance, self-trust, respect and break the walls of prejudices about different cultures and ideas. Let’s learn how to have a different kind of “voice”!

Personal branding

The workshop has a personal impact as it supports self-exploration, by answering some deep questions maybe for the first time, and it also has an obvious professional impact. Participants learn to enhance their careers and to become a brand in the eyes of their clients, colleagues, managers etc.). Also, for the institutions, organizations and companies the method can add great value, as the employees become more motivated to show their best assets, to make themselves memorable and truly contribute to the success of the activities they are involved in. Bring your story into the world!


It is a form of expression based on participative photography and cooperative narrative that lead participants to a basic form of storytelling through images and words, collected in order to identify and address a social issue. The workshop can start with a need analysis through a problem tree or with a common agreed topic\issue to work on. Then, in small groups, you will go around the town aiming at picturing real life scenes that can help you in explaining issues. It can be used to provide hints for change and support policy-making based on real community issues. A final storytelling with photo presentation can be done.

Public Speaking Lab

In the Public Speaking Lab you will develop your public speaking and debating skills and you will build self-confidence that can be applied in many real-world situations. You will learn how you can bring a message successfully across and cater it to a specific audience, but also how to debate fairly and with respect. In each of the exercises, you will play a role: you are not ventilating your own opinion in a random discussion, but have a specific mission to convince a specific audience with a specific message. This workshop enables the participants to become well versed in four specific exercises: a team debate (Karl Popper Debate), two stump speech exercises (Hot Balloon and Power Pitch) and a serious gaming exercise (Crisis Resolution). By playfully working with various themes, you will learn to see them in a different light and from various perspectives. You will be provided with all information on how to facilitate the exercises yourself. This workshop is open to 12-16 participants who speak English well.


Storytelling will be experienced as a method that will foster learning both on a  personal and professional level. On a personal level the participants will benefit from sharing personal stories, telling and listening to stories, creating stories using creative writing techniques and the senses, using the Story Arc and acting out a story on stage using the voice, the body and the dialogue with the audience. It is as well a method to be paid forward to the youth, enabling their potential through a serious of activities that will power up the value of the story therefore will create a significant learning experience. The experience of sharing stories with others bonds and unites communities and cultures.

Street animation (social circus, juggling, funambulism)

Juggling is the ability of an individual to create shape and colour patterns by controlling or manipulating one or more objects at the same time.
Street animation is appealing to different intelligences.
For example, you develop visual/spatial intelligence to visualize juggling patterns.
The rhythmic nature of juggling and juggling to music appeals to those with musical abilities. Getting up, moving around, throwing and catching develop kinesthetic intelligence.
Balance is about self confidence and having control over your emotions. Funambulism is really accessible to all public as at first the walking wire is very low. The entire workshop will be progressive and adapted to participants.
The participants will experience the power of circus as a tool of cooperation and developing creativity.

The Human Library

The Human Library functions as any other library – the readers come in and check out books for a designated period of time. However, the BOOKS are HUMAN BEINGS and engage in a very personal dialogue with the reader. The Human Library aims to promote the respect for human rights and human dignity, to draw attention to diversity in all its shapes and forms and to stimulate interpersonal dialogue. First we will debate about the concept tackled by the method (discrimination, human rights, diversity) and their relevance for youth work – and then you will experiment the method and we will prepare the performance (preparing a Human Library event at a small scale) -

Visual theatre

Two forms of theatre combined: shadow theatre & black light theatre. Playing with the shadows is one of the very first ways to discover the world and our self in it. Every child played with its shadow. The shadow methods have a high potential in learning, especially when they are combined with the lights (glowing paints and UV responsive colours). In this case, a context in which you will use your body or different shapes cut in cardboard to create a shadow-character as part of a story. The actions behind the screen will be combined with actions in front of the screen using paint and leds that glow in the dark. You will learn how to express thoughts, emotions, feelings, using your bodies, improvisation games, music, colours, light and the combination between them. Finally, you will learn the steps in creating and implementing a theatre show.

Adaugat de: Andra Dobre
5 Iulie 2016 - 11 Iulie 2016
Loc desfăşurare
România, București
Tip eveniment
Eveniment internaţional
3163 Vizualizări
9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

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9 Septembrie 2024 - 11 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Bucuresti, To be decided
16 Septembrie 2024 - 21 Septembrie 2024
Loc desfăşurare
Jud. Bucuresti, Online, Online
21 Iulie 2024

Sub sloganul FROM RURAL TO PLURAL AND BEYOND, evenimentul european dedicat tinerilor din mediul rural va avea loc în satul Hălăucești, județul Iași

18 Iulie 2024

Ea va începe de acum să își alcătuiască noua echipă de comisari europeni, ce îi va fi alături pentru următorii 5 ani.

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